Longing for the Divine

Posts tagged ‘Cross’

God Loves YOU!

Imagine God loving you today, just you and the Lord touching souls, and become convinced that there is nothing that can separate you from His wonderful love.


I have often wondered what exactly was nailed to the cross. As a carpenter, I believe it’s important to determine what was nailed and how. Many think that God’s laws were nailed to the cross, yet I can’t accept the idea that God’s law of love was ever against us.

When God Flips Tables

If Jesus walked through and examined the courts of our lives today, what tables might He flip over? I want Jesus to enter my courts, driving out everything that hinders a close relationship with Him, because life’s most important goal is dwelling in His presence.

Tetelestai—It Is Finished! The Cry That Carries the Future

to give us eternal life instead of eternal condemnation. American revivalist Johnathan Edwards summed this idea well in his famous sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” If we see the cross as an angry God and Jesus as satisfying His tyrannical wrath, however, we’ve confused God with the devil and thus miss the beautiful truths that took place on Calvary.

Scandalized by Gethsemane

The events at Gethsemane left the disciples with dashed hopes. They had believed Jesus was untouchable. I imagine that had Jesus fought and remained undefeated, the disciples would have stayed, defending Him to the death, as Peter had boldly declared he would. These events make me wonder if I too would be scandalized or offended by Jesus based on my assumptions about God.

Love Is All We Need

God provides many details to help us understand the concept of love. While a sheet of music may contain many notes, only one song is sung from them. Unselfish love is that song.


Years ago, I attended a class at a missionary training school in the heart of Oregon. The Bible teacher wrote the Greek word “hilasterion” on the white board and asked the class what it meant. His next question was whether redemption carries a propitiatory dimension.